How did you learn to knit???
WHO?: My babysitter taught me to crochet. My mother taught me to knit. I don't think either of them got very far with me. I remember my mom showing me how to cast on any number of times. Since then, I have learned a variety of techniques from books and classes. The books I have found most useful for extending my repertoire of techniques have been Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'n Bitch and Nancie Wiseman's Knitter's Book of Finishing Techniques. As for classes, I have taken Sock Knitting, Yarn Characteristics, Gauge, and Knitting 2 at Shuttles here in Boulder. I've been very happy with the quality of instruction and general knitting know-how of the instructors at Shuttles
WHEN?: I first started to learn how to knit when I was 7 or 8 years old. I crocheted quite a bit more, actually, because for crochet, all I had to remember was the slip knot. For some reason, casting on was very intimidating to me. When I was in high school, I crocheted an afghan, when I wasn't being a juvenile delinquent. While living in Santa Fe, NM, at the age of 20, I crocheted my second afghan. And I crocheted a third afghan while in grad school, but it has since been destroyed. As for knitting, I got back into knitting about 4 years ago. For the most part, I retaught myself from the above mentioned books, online tutorials, and through frantic calls to mom.
WHY?: My mom and babysitter first taught me to knit to give me something to do; keep me out of trouble. I continue to knit for those same reasons. There are so many ways to spend time and sometimes I feel like I never accomplish anything. With knitting, I have something tangible that shows my accomplishments. I see myself improving with practice and advice from other knitters. Knitting has also given me a great group of friends who are always up for driving for miles to see some alpacas or visit yonder yarn stores. Knitting also makes me feel contected to the past. I am grateful to my babysitter and my mother for passing down their craft.
So, how did you learn to knit?
My father taught me when I was very little, but I never followed through with it. Then, the summer before I got married (2003) I had been staying with my dad and he made me a pretty pink scarf out of Eros. I told him he had to teach me IMMEDIATELY how to knit so that I could make all the women involved in my wedding an eros scarf as a thank you gift. I think I made 10 in all. I then didn't knit much until the next summer when people started having babies. Now I'm addicted and can't control myself!
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